Monday, April 28, 2008

Just getting started

Well, my first attempt at blogging should be quite unique! I want to offer a service for the young, elderly, middle-age, teens, kids and all the rest that might be interested. I want to start an advice column for any sort of topic. Just ask and I'll research the question or problem and get back with you for the most appropriate answer. I have great advice on many different topics and would love to be able to grow in the likes of Dear Abby and Ann Landers. You know they have been around for quite some time and have given excellent advice to many of us over the year's. I know there will be those that think I have the best advice in the world! There will be other's that might not agree, buy hey, this is a free country and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If I can help one person in any sort of way by giving excellent advice, then all this will be worth it! So I want to thank you for visiting and I am looking forward to helping you!

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